Unlike the experience of many women entering the accounting profession, Victoria’s first experience in her accounting class was somewhat of anomaly.  The room was filled with mostly female students – even though they were all preparing to enter what has been regarded traditionally as a male-dominated profession.  Her attitude has always been that gender just doesn’t play an important role in her career. Going from a classroom of women to an accounting firm where most of the leadership team is comprised of men has not impacted her attitude. She has always just dealt with people as people regardless of whether they were men or women, and that neutral and objective philosophy has served her well as her career has advanced.

A key observation

Covid-19 is changing everything. The workplace has been forever re-shaped into a more flexible model, allowing men and women to juggle professional and personal responsibilities much more easily. When the mandate “shelter in place” was announced in March 2020, it immediately created a work-from-home situation that has, and will continue, to impact all employees – but most especially women who often assume the majority of the family tasks. It has leveled the playing field in a way no one could have anticipated!

Words of advice

Victoria offered an essential insight for other women who are beginning their journey as she tells everyone to be kind to yourself. In her words, “Don’t be so hard and so quick to judge your own actions. Don’t be nervous – be patient. Everything takes time, so allow yourself the luxury of time to accomplish your goals.”